Dec 2005 - Queens Award for Sustainable Development

Global Tea has been honoured with the prestigious Queens Award for Enterprise 2005 Sustainable Development in recognition of the company's achievements in social and environmental development.
The award could not have been achieved without the outstanding commitment and dedication of the entire Global team around the world.
Global Tea believes in development which ensures a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come, producing and consuming goods more sustainably and adding more value with less pollution and waste.
We would like to thank all our customers, suppliers and partners for their valued and continued support
Jan 2017 - Sable Coffee Now Available in Starbucks

Our premium Sable coffee has been selected as a Starbucks Reserve coffee
Oct 2017 - Global Tea makes Sunday Times Top Track 250

We are pleased to be included in the 2017 Sunday Times Top Track 250 ranking Britain’s 250 private mid-market growth companies
Jan 2019 - Global Tea Largest Buyer of Tea in Mombasa Auction

Global Tea & Commodities (Kenya) Limited has been officially named as the largest buyer of tea in the Mombasa auction for 2018 replicating the achievement first won in 2017.
Apr 2019 - Kericho Gold Recognised as East African Superbrand
Kericho Gold achieves East Africa Superbrand status in recognition of its market dominance across the region.